Selalu bersikap lembut dan mencoba untuk menghindari gerakan tiba-tiba. Jika ular membungkus /melilit lengan atau leher, Anda dapat dengan santai dengan cara membuka lilitan perlahan mulai pada ujung ekor, bukan kepala..
After giving your Burmese a couple of days to settle in, begin picking it up and handling it gently. It may try to move away from you and may threaten you by twitching its tail and hissing. Be gentle but persistent. Daily contact will begin to establish a level of trust and confidence between you and your snake. When it is comfortable with you, you can begin taking it around the house. . Don't get over-confident! Given a chance and close proximity to seat cushions, your Burm will make a run (well, a slither) for it, easing down between the cushions and from there, to points possibly unknown.
Always be gentle and try to avoid sudden movements. If the snake wraps around your arm or neck, you can unwind it by gently unwrapping it starting at the tail end, not the head.
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